SAP ITS-Mobile tuning

T Thibaut David 3 years 5 months ago
4 1 0

Beta 3 has been installed, how can we address via static parameters (config file) these items : -constant zoom parameter for any page -prohibit the SIP to pop-up for any page General comment : speed of Beta 1 seemed faster (looks like SIP or other factors are slowing down the transition between a page and a new one)

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Hi, -constant zoom parameter for any page You can use a default meta tag in the config.xml file, e.g: -prohibit the SIP to pop-up for any page  Call the SIP module's automatic method, to be most reliable I recommend putting this in a defualt meta tag also: Note that the SIP fix will only be available in the official release, the fix didn't make it into the beta release.

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