RD5000 RDP Issue - URGENT (customer is waiting)

E Efkan YILMAZ 3 years 5 months ago
0 2 0

I need to configure an RD5000.  It has been on the shelf for a while.  I have cold booted it.  I have connected it to the XP Pro (SP2) machine with ActiveSync 4.5.  I have installed remoteDSP.exe from Microsoft. According to the documentation, I should be able to just connect without partnership, and start the RDP host and I should see and control the "Screen" on the RD5000. It does not work!  It seems the RD5000 is not running the cerdisp.exe.  My RDP host comes up blank, and nothing else happens.  I know that the RDP Host works because I use it with other devices without any issue, however I usually initiate the cerdisp.exe on the device.  Since I get a blank screen, I am assuming the cerdisp is not running on the RD5000.  I know the activesync is working...I can browse the file system on the RD5000. Any suggestions or tricks to get this thing to work?

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2 Replies

P Prashant Bhamidipati

Cerdisp.exe is not included on the RD5000 device by default.


1.       To view display using Activesync remote display

a.       Customer has to install ‘activesync remote display’ on their machine first. Then copy the cerdisp2.exe file from appropriate armv4 folder onto the device in the \windows folder.

b.      The typical location for cerdisp2.exe on a host computer (After installing Activesync remote display) is

C:\Program Files\Windows Mobile Developer Power Toys\ActiveSync_Remote_Display\devices\wce400\armv4\cerdisp2.exe … (but this location may be different depending on the PC setup.)

c.       The display can then be pulled up on a laptop using activesync remote display.

d.      To make this file automatically be available on cold boot, place cerdisp2.exe in the \application folder and use a .cpy file to copy it into \windows.  As mentioned in the question, cerdisp2.exe is required for activesync remote display to work.. and it is required to be present in \windows.




2.       To view display using SOTI/MyMobiler etc..

a.       those softwares handles everything. Customer just need to install those softwares on their PC and then launch the corresponding executable after the device has been connected to the computer.


You did it!  The device had cerdisp.exe, so I added the cerdisp2.exe in the windows directory.  It work after that. THANK YOU VERY MUCH for such a quick response.

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