Document management via MSP

// Expert user has replied.
S Steve Zimmerman 3 years 5 months ago
1 1 0

A Customer in a field service application is looking to implment MSP, and one of their objectives is to use MSP to load and keep up to date various documents viewed on the end station. They apparently have a docuement management system on the back-end. Rather than creating a bundle for each package, or a large bundle with hundreds of docuements in it, is there a means for MSP to synchronize with a document management system?

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1 Replies

A Allan Herrod

Steve; MSP 3.3.1 probably does not have any automated way to do what you are asking, but its hard to say definitively since you haven't provided many details.  Whether the next release of MSP may have something that could accomplish what you are looking for is hard to say without more information. What kinds of documents are they looking to manage? How big are they and how many would need to be delivered to each managed device? What Document Management System are they using and does it provide APIs or interfaces for integration with other products? What are they doing with the documents in the managed devices?  View only?  Modify and upload?  Review and upload comments? It is important to understand that MSP is intended to be a Device Management System not a Data Management System.  So, we have intentionally (so far at least) declined to offer data synchronization services.  But part of Device Management is content delivery, and we are certainly open to discussions about how to enhance MSP's capabilities to automate the acquisition and delivery of the right content to the right device. Allan

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