Wavelink - Show a pick error on RS507

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A Andrew Wood 3 years 5 months ago
0 6 0

Hi, Does anyone know how to configure WT4090 Wavelink TE to show a picking error on the RS507. At the moment all I can do is get a green LED illuminate to indicate a succesful decode but I need the 507 to display a red LED if the item picked is incorrect. Thanks Andy

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6 Replies

J Jack Burleson

Continuing Larry Dykes train of thought ... If you are doing VT emulation - Wavelink TE has as setting called "VT Disable Scanner" that can be configured with the Wavelink terminal configurator under: Emulation > Emulation > VT and HP > Common > VT Disable Scanner > Always The default value out of box is "never" which means the scanner is always enabled. On a traditional MCD device with integrated scanner, this feature will allow the user to scan 1 bar code, and then the scanner is automatically disabled until the terminal receives an special escape sequence from the host.  Upon receiving the escape sequence the bar code scanner is again enabled for 1 scan.  We use this regularly with our customers to keep the user from getting ahead of the host, error messages, etc.  Following is the discription of the escape sequences related to this command from page 13 of the attached doc. 

Terminal Scanner

ESC % Pn S
ESC % 6 ; 0 S
ESC % 6 ; 1 S

Enable/disable the terminal’s scanner.  This can also be used to change the “DisableScanner” option in the terminal configuration parameters.
Pn=0  Disable scanner
Pn=1  Enable scanner
Pn=2  Set DisableScanner option to NO
Pn=3  Set DisableScanner option to ALWAYS
Pn=4  Set DisableScanner option to 1-D
Pn=5  Set DisableScanner option to 2-D
Pn=6  Soft Trigger.  Disable soft trigger.
Pn=6  Soft Trigger.  Enable soft trigger.

I HAVE NOT tested this with the RS507 so I cannot tell you if it will work with that device or not.  It does work on MC9090's, WT4090s (with integrated scanner), etc.  Thus, it is worth a try!   Good Luck!

A Andrew Wood

Sorry - I dont seem to have explained this very well. How can I configure the Wavelink client to show when an incorrect item has been picked by the user. On the device (WT4090 or MC9090) I can play a wav file to indicate when the application has detected the user has done something wrong. My customer is using the RS507 connected to a WT4090 and would also like to be able to flash the red LED on the RS507 to alert the user that somthing needs attention. At the moment all they see is the green LED showing a good scan and as the WT4090 is mounted on the hip they sometimes dont notice the error condition. Andy

L Larry Dykes

Getting users of a "heads up" data collection application - that is, an application designed NOT to require the user to constantly "look down at the screen" - is a classic problem.  You can give them a flashing light, but they may not see it - you can beep at them but they may not hear it. You may be able to get a brighter light or a louder beep from some peripheral, but it may STILL be undetected or ignored by some users, in some circumstances. The bottom line is this.. if you REALLY want to get a busy user's attention, find a way to disable his scannner - not just make it impossible to get a good read, but be sure that the laser or targeting light does not come on when he presses the button. That is GUARANTEED to get the users' attention - he will look at the screen (if there is one) to see what the error message is. You could require him to press enter or just touch a key to clear the error condition and contine work. I don't know if this is possible with Wavelink - someone who knows Wavelink better, please comment on how or if this may be done. 


Andy,  The RSM attributes of the RS507 include a paging feature which is disabled by default: ATTR_PAGING_ENABLE R/W  1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled ATTR_PAGING_BEEP_SEQ R/W 0-26 15 Paging beep sequence ATTR_PAGING_ACTIVATE W    0 – Stop   1 – Start




 The paging beep sequence could be set to a lower number e.g. 4 and provided the Wavelink TN client is modifed to support this feature, you could page the RS507 to beep when a picking error is detected. The ScanRSM sample in EMDK for C shows how to call the basic RSM API. Best Regards, Ian Hatton

E Evgene Vigoutov

what do you eman by incorrect item? RS507 has no logics - meaning it reading barocdes and passing it to WT4090. It will blink green always if barcode reading succesfull - it does not know if it is incorrect from customer point of view

M Mark Mann

Andrew, What symbologies are being scanned?  I've seen issues in the past with code 3 of 9 especially if poorly printed or damaged.  This symbology can be missed read by the scanner.  Check to see if the setting for code 3 of 9 is set for Redundancy scan.  The scanner will read the barcode twice to validate it has the same data.  If the data is the same then it will decode and send to the host.  This has helped me in the past and hope this is what your facing. Cheers, Mark

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