LTE - Updates for eNodeB. Now available in REC!

F Frank DeFazio 3 years 5 months ago
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You may have seen this notice several weeks ago.............................
Attention REC users,

LTE - Updates for eNodeB. Now available in REC! -

RDE along with the product group have made the following equipment additions/updates:

- LTE eNodeB Site Equipment - LTE eNodeB Configuration Options - Provide Antenna/Feeder Cables/Jumper Cables/Lightning Protection - Site Battery Backup Best regards, Resource Development Engineering (RDE) If you have not already had a chance to create an equipment list in REC, I recommend you try it and do a comparison with the configurator. You will notice some distinct differences and that the configurator can be used to guide you through the design in REC. I'd like to hear your thoughts on this and possible ways for improvement. If necessary, I can arrange for a demonstartion and use of the tool during a team meeting. Frank

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