Sluggish Battery charge level indication

J Juan-Antonio Martinez 3 years 5 months ago
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Is what follows happening to any of you? MC75's battery gets to 20%, so user replaces it, on field, with a fully charged one (say, at 95% or so). Both .NET application and WM6.5 under Power Applet (problem is seen on both) start increasing the value, very slowly, about 1% every other minute or less. So it takes (95-20) x 2 = 150 minutes = two hours and one half to display the right value. However, if MC75 is placed on a charging cradle, power gets to 100% on-the-fly, and then, once removed, shows this right 95% after a few seconds (as expected). This is generically happening on all of their units. Any ideas or suggestions -except reporting to Brno, of course :) ?

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