MC55A - Needs reg or CAB to set network settings

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J Justin Salvage 3 years 5 months ago
31 10 0

MC55 Flashed with BSP34 Referring to the following settings... Start > Settings > Connetions > Connetions > Advanced > Select Networks Two drop downs in "Network Management" are initially "My ISP" and "My Work Network", respectively. Manually changed both to "My ISP", cold booted device, and checked setting again to see they both persisted and kept the "My ISP" value. This shows that manually setting these will persist normally. However, I wanted to try and capture registry changes to have them set to "My Work Network" So i set both to "My ISP", click OK to save the change. Than took baseline with RemCapture v1.9 Changed both dropdowns to "My Work Network" Took difference with RemCapture. Saved registry file and deployed it to device (and manuually merged it by clicking on it) I then cold booted device.... when i returned to settings, the top dropdown was "My ISP" and the bottom was "My Work Network", even though my registry should have set both of them to "My Work Network" For whatever reason these dropdowns do not play nice with registry changes.  Does anyione have any insight as to why, and more importantly, a solution? I need some automated means of settings these besides manually clicking on the OS interface to set them.

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10 Replies


You can have as many APN's as you like - add or delete. You can also combine all the settings into one XML file.

H Herbert De Jong

the attached techsheet might help you to commision this with XML provisioning.

A Afshin Mansoorieh

is it also possible to use the XML provisioning to enable the radio on a WM6.5.3 device? I have been trying to figure out a way to do this via RemCapture to find the right reg-entries but not having any luck. thanks, afshin


Afshin, The REG key should enable the Fusion radio: ;Enable Fusion radio ON by default - may be turned off by default on some devices. [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\BuiltIn\WLAN] ; ;  D0 - Full on ;  D4 - Off ; ;  InitialState is a dword represent CEDEVICE_POWER_STATE, valid values ;  are: 0 - D0, 4 - D4. ;  "InitialState"=dword:0  

M Martin Delto

Hi All, in delegation for a customer , is it possible, to create such a cpf file with moer than one APN-profile ? If yes, how...? we are working on a ES405 with an existing APN profile but need to have another to be avaliable...any input is appreciated, many thanks fro germany regards  Martin Delto

H Herbert De Jong

attaching the latest  document and files i put together around XML provisioning. also contact me in case you have questions.

C Christopher Sather

I tired the XML method as well, agreeing it would be the best way to go.  No matter what I did, I still got the My work/connection notification bubble after a restore boot. I have attached the kit I used to may the "My Work" XML cab.  (It does change the settings) and the reg file I now use in place of this. This was on WM6.5.3

J Juan-Antonio Martinez

The right way to to this sort of things is via XML provisioning. I once wrote (inspired on another one written by Ignacio) an utility which "installs" the xml file specified on the command line, optionally deleting it after successful installtion. I posted it somewhere in DevCentral, its name is


Hi Justin, Unfortunately reg change is not the best way to make these kind of changes. I'm adding a document for XML provisioning. Briefly create/modify XML file make it xxx.cpf by makecab.exe via command prompt. rename it as then run I hope it will help.

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