Fixed scanner on forklift

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E Efkan YILMAZ 3 years 5 months ago
7 5 0

Team, Customer is asking for a solution where a fixed scanner is mounted somewhere on the fork of the forklift and connected to VC5090 - so to read the barcode on the palette before picking it up. Has anyone had this kind of setup? If so - what was the scanner used? Thanks, Valery

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5 Replies

J Justin Walther

One of the UK partners has used a scanner from a company called Sick. I do not have all the details, however a custom RS232 cable was required to connect to the RS232 connector on the VC5090 and the end user also wanted a handheld scanner (LS3408 connected via USB). Wavelink client was configured to use both inputs and worked in testing. Not too sure if this was ever deployed though. The Sick scanners also require a laptop for configuration…



M Marc Fluhrer

We were ask to find a soltuion for this years ago. The cost of the scanner will be the smallest portion of the cost. We estimated the soltuion to cost around $5,000 USD back then with the scanner, 60 ft cable, installation, casing around the scanner, etc.. A formal quote was not done, but you could probably work with the forklift manufacturer to get the proper cables and mounts. To mount on the front of the forks, you need to go over the top. There also has to be discipline by the customer to make sure the bar code is placed on the exact place on the pallet everytime. I would think the blockbuster scanner or one of the mini scans should work for this. I attached a video that shows you what we were asked to duplicate.

A Arsen Bandurian

Some of our partners tried to put MiniScan on a forklift. Their feedback was that there are two major issues: cable survival (use have to use long coiled cable, which requires additional power source) and read angle (you you move close enough - too late to read the barcode).

D David Singer

That is a good one.  I know that many locations have used an RD5000 RFID Reader on or close to the fork of the lift, but that is an extremely rugged device.  Not heard of anyone using a scanner on the fork...good luck.  David

M Malcolm Flood

Not seen it done with a fixed scanner...there maybe 'targeting and alignment' challanges....seen similar done using a LS3408 ER

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