MK3000 Motion Detection

E Efkan YILMAZ 3 years 5 months ago
1 1 0

I have been putting together a Kiosk type demonstration for the MK3000.  If I do not get this to work, it will flop at the show in a few weeks.  I have a brand new MK3000 right out of the box. This demo is essentially a 2D barcode parser for the common access card.  With the correct barcode, it will parse out the data and show the person the data and fields contained (first name, last name, etc.).  It was written in HTML/Javascript to be used with RhoElements or Pocket Browser.  It works using data wedge as a keyboard emulator (on other MC devices).  But I do not want to make the user press a button, which is the very reason the motion sensor is available on a Kiosk device. It has an imager scanner (not laser).  I have the aim type set to presentation mode.  When I first start the scanner, it starts scanning immediately, and scans fine, as long as it had something to decode.  If it sits for about 10 seconds without decoding anything, it goes into a "sleep" mode, this is expected...  I can see inside the motion sensor window that a red LED is glowing (but very dim). I literally have to touch the motion window with a shiny material to activate the scanner.  No other kinds of motion or objects turns that thing on.  When it is activated, it only stays on for about a second before it shuts off, not allowing enough time to position the barcode to be read.  This makes me believe that the motion detection it is either defective, or it's sensitivity is not set correctly. I read that if it does not decode something it needs a soft stop before it can issue a soft start.  I have added a button that soft stops then soft starts the scanner.  This does not work, once I issue these command, the motion sensor LED goes off and the scanner no longer functions.  Makes no sense based on the documentation. Is there a way to adjust the sensitivity?  Is there a way to run a specific test to see if it is defective?

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I could not find anything that allows one to adjust the sensitivity of the sensor.  So I decided to experiment by removing the red/translucent cover over the motion sensor.  It was very easy to remove. It started working.  This tells me that something must be wrong with the calibration of the sensor on the MK3000 that I am working with. Rather than put the red translucent cover back, I put a thin piece of clear, rigid plastic in its place instead to protect the sensor, and leave it that way for the demo/show.

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