Strange Fusion Profile - "airbeamWEP"

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I Ian Jobson 3 years 5 months ago
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All, This is going to make me sound like a lunatic but I can't understand something I have seen at a customer site. We have 15 MC75As on site locked down with AppCenter so users can't get into the OS. They have been running fine, but last week I got a report that 2 of them weren't connecting to the network. When I checked the two devices they were both trying to connect to a Fusion WLAN profile called "airbeamWEP". This is not a profile that I have installed, it wasn't there when I left the devices originally, it is not present on the other 13 units, and it was configured with a USA country code so would never connect anyway. The profile has appeared from nowhere and I can't understand why or how. The only applications exposed to the users in AppCenter are Wavelink and also the Rapid Deployment client (they are not currently using MSP on these units, Rapid Deployment is there for a future MSP rollout). We are also running the TEAM Phone client on the units. Does anyone have any thoughts where that profile could have come from? Is it embedded in the RD client or Fusion in general? Thanks IJ

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2 Replies

I Ian Jobson

So I've found out where the profile comes from! Launch the RD client, Select "Search Unconnected Networks" Wait 10 seconds or so whilst the terminal is showing "Attempt 1 of 12" Then warm boot Et voila the profile appears in the list when the terminal boots up!!

S Sean Wheatley

I think the RD client. Someone may have clicked on search unconnected networks and it may be a default WLAN of some sort. A bit like motorola out of the box magic.

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