MC9190G Delay Key Output In TE Client

K KEN LIM 3 years 5 months ago
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Hi team Have anyone seen the following issue w/ MC9190G (WEH6.5 BSP41) when in Wavelink TE Client, any keyboard input is delay before displaying on screen? For e.g. if I enter 123456 on keypad, it will display on screen as 1 (pause) 2 (pause) 3 (pause) 4 (pause) 5 (pause) 6. Seems like a delay. When we tested on existing MC9090G Wavelink TE Client, the display of 123456 was immediate. We also tested on MC9190G notepad, the display of 123456 was immediate. The delay was only seen on Wavelink TE Client. I've asked my partner to open a support ticket w/ tier 1. Anyone encountered this and is there a hotfix or workaround? Thanks ken

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