Increase Application Folder Storage

J Julian Forsythe 3 years 5 months ago
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I know this is probably a very advanced and very unsupported topic and I understand I could potentially brick my units (and accept responsibility and won't hold Motorola or anyone in this forum liable should that eventuate)... but I would like to increase the size available for my Application directory on the MC55. Currently it seems to have a capacity of 32 megabytes, but I was under the impression the device has 512 megabytes of flash memory which is partitioned into "\Application" (32 megs), "\" (357 megs), and the hidden memory where the base OS ROM is actually stored (123 megs).  Perhaps there's a couple of other partitions, eg for the loader and such, so my math might be out by a meg or two, but it seems to be close enough. So what I would like to do is beg/borrow/steal some memory from "\" and allocate it to the "\Application" folder in order to double it's capacity from 32 to 64 megs (we're running out of space for all our packages being deployed through MSP). I know there is a way to change the partition sizes because it is done when you upgrade from WM61 to WM65 and the OS ROM needs more space... so I'm just hoping to apply that same principal to the Application partition as well. Is there a tool that builds the 55xxxPTxxx.sig file or perhaps some offsets you can edit with a hex editor to tweak the partition sizes?  Is there some other way to do it? Thanks!

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