WT41N0 - Win Embedded Compact 7 development

M Mariano Colabraro 3 years 5 months ago
1 1 0

1) April 15, 2013 

2) 3 days

3) WT41N0

4) Windows embedded compact 7

5) Case #2820938 I'm trying to reproduce an issue a customer has while compiling. I'm trying to download those 2 DVD with the CE7 but always fail in the process. so I don't know if I shall download the trial version. Now the customer says that then compiling a new project success without errors but when I include the header file by #include "Ntddndis.h" he gets compile errors because NTDDI_VERSION is not defined for this platform SDK. LINE 3961 :  TYPEDEF IF_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS NDIS_IF_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS, *PNDIS_IF_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS; ABOUT THE DEFINITION OF IF_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS, WE REFER TO IFDEF.H HEADER FILE: LINE 271-280 CONTAIN THIS DIRECTIVE #IF (NTDDI_VERSION >= NTDDI_LONGHORN) NTDDI_VERSION  IS NOT DEFINED FOR THIS PLATFORM. AS WORKAROUND, WE COMMENT THIS COMPILER DIRECTIVE. CAN YOU CONFIRM THIS ISSUE AND DO YOU AGREE WITH THIS WORKAROUND?

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1 Replies

M Mariano Colabraro

Can anyone take a look at this please

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