Which configuration is the most common for battery charging?

L Lesley Gonzalez 3 years 5 months ago
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Fill out the following survey based on your current configuration, you can also go to the following link:  http://es.surveymonkey.com/s/65YCST2 Industry:______________     Number sites:__________     Number of devices/terminals managed per site:_______ 1. Total of batteries per site: 2. Total of battery chargers per site: a. 1-Slot Battery Charger: b. 4-Slot Battery Charger: c. 1-Slot Cradle + Spare Battery: 3. Primary Method of Charging: a. Chargers/Toasters b. Terminals in Cradle 4. Type of battery charging configuration: a. Co-Located b. Distributed 5. Type of terminal charging configuration: a. Co-Located b. Distributed 6. Do you consider the management of batteries to be a major pain point? a. Very Large Problem b. Neutral c. Not a Problem at all 7. Which specific aspects of battery management cause the most difficulty? Please select all that apply: a. Charging and storing batteries b. Workers depleting their batteries mid-shift c. Determining which battery a worker should choose at the start of a shift d. Not having any readily available charged batteries when a worker needs a new one e. Removal of old batteries that are beyond their useful life f. Lack of session persistence when swapping batteries

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