What I must do when i have "./buildRhoBundle: No such file or directory"

// Expert user has replied.
D Dariusz Gardynski 3 years 5 months ago
2 1 0

I'm new, I installed ruby-1.9.3-p547 and Motorola RhoStudio on my mac. Of course i installed to brew and node, run Install gems and Install rhoconnect-push. I want create default app and run in Apple iphone simulator 7.1. I created new project in RhoStudio and in console run rake run:iphone. This is what i get back:

/bin/sh -c \"/Users/Darek/Dropbox\ private/Dropbox/Programowanie/Ruby\ on\ Rails/test/storemanager/project/iphone/Rhodes/build/Rhodes.build/Release-iphonesimulator/Rhodes.build/Script-FAF5F5A7183C3E4100EA0021.sh\"
/Users/Darek/Dropbox private/Dropbox/Programowanie/Ruby on Rails/test/storemanager/project/iphone/Rhodes/build/Rhodes.build/Release-iphonesimulator/Rhodes.build/Script-FAF5F5A7183C3E4100EA0021.sh: line 5: ./buildRhoBundle: No such file or directory


The following build commands failed:
  PhaseScriptExecution Run\ Script build/Rhodes.build/Release-iphonesimulator/Rhodes.build/Script-FAF5F5A7183C3E4100EA0021.sh
(1 failure)
cd /Users/Darek/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p547/gems/rhodes-4.1.1
UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend not configured, using default of false
ERROR during building by XCode !
XCode return next error code = pid 16139 exit 65
What i do wrong ??

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1 Replies

B Bhakta Ranjan Satapathy

Hi ,

Looks like you have space in your application path.

/Users/Darek/Dropbox private/Dropbox/Programowanie/Ruby on Rails/test/storemanager/

Kindly rename and remove spaces from your Ruby on Rails folder and try to build application once again.


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