Updated from 4.0 to 4.1 and now application is freezing on MC95

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C Chris Child 3 years 4 months ago
0 4 0

I don't have anything in the log file that seems to be of relevance other than this:
E 06/23/2014 11:49:15:000 8c2fe5c6 EngineInterface.cpp:1630| Message from ..\neon\Helium\HeliumForWindows\Implementation\Engine\OutProcessLauncher\EngineInterface.cpp:CEngineInterface::ReceiveThread - Engine timeout. Sending ENGINE_EXIT EventLine: 549

This is the only error message I see and it has been logged 5-6 times but I have no idea what is timing out and nothing in the log files to suggest what is timing out.



edit: I am continuing to receive E 06/23/2014 11:49:15:000 8c2fe5c6 EngineInterface.cpp:1630| Message from ..\neon\Helium\HeliumForWindows\Implementation\Engine\OutProcessLauncher\EngineInterface.cpp:CEngineInterface::ReceiveThread - Engine timeout. Sending ENGINE_EXIT EventLine: 549 while the application is frozen.

I've attached my log file but nothing is jumping out at me.

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4 Replies

C Chris Child

I believe I've come to a conclusion and it is that our device doesn't have enough memory to load all of the js files. I removed the ORM javascript file and still had an occasional freeze sometimes but the second I re-add the ORM javascript it fails loading that 100% of the time. I did go ahead and fix some of the issues that were brought up in Jon Tara's comments which also did not help. We're going to be speaking with Motorola very soon so hopefully we can get an answer from them on how this can be solved without having to revert to 4.0.

J Jon Tara

I'm sure some Rhodes folks will disagree with me on this one, but I'd avoid the Javascript ORM unless there is some compelling reason to use it. In fact, it's best to avoid the Javascript APIs altogether. Javascript in a WebView is a poor performer vs. Ruby. You are using jQuery Mobile, which is really the biggest performance drag in Rhodes (of course, you do not have to use jQuery Mobile...) and then weighing-down the WebView with loads more Javascript.

It's certainly convenient for some Motorola legacy customers who are used to working in a Javascript environment. And I suppose it will allow you to create a small project while avoiding learning Ruby.

I see you are setting window.location. Keep in mind that that will re-load the entire document! It will reload jQuery, jQuery Mobile, your CSS, etc. and re-initialized everything in Javascript. That means your $(document).ready (which really shouldn't be used if you are using jQuery Mobile) will fire again, and I doubt that is what you'd intended.

I also notice you are mixing-up native browser methods (e.g. getElementByID) with jQuery. If you are using jQuery, use jQuery! There are some nasty edge cases where this will get you unexpected results. jQuery is there to provide a browser-neutral way of manipulating documents. If you use the native methods, you've defeated one of the main purposes of using jQuery.

J Joydeep Chakraborty

Engine is getting timed out(60 sec is timeout) here.
What exactly you are doing in the page?ICan you share your page/source code of you app?s there any alert or something which is halting the execution of the engine?

K Kutir Mobility

Hi Chris,
This issue needs help from Motorola. We will raise this issue with them to get an answer.

Visnupriya R
Kutir Mobility

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