"DPX" updated to "SimulScan"

E Efkan YILMAZ 3 years 8 months ago
1 0 0

"DPX" has been re-branded to "SimulScan" standing for "Simultaneous Scanning".
In that light, we've updated the software accordingly on the device as well as the Template Builder utility.
I would request each of you to kindly :
1. Update the OS image on your devices.
-  The Alpha Extranet site has been updated to this link : https://compass.motorolasolutions.com/llservlet/livelink/go/ssalpha
-  You can find the latest OS images containing SimulScan v 1.2.1 on above extranet. The SimulScan.rtf contains all the relevant details to help you here.
2. Update your application accordingly
The API's have only been reworded from "dpx" to "simulscan". The API interface signature remain the same.
- DW details :  The DW 2.0.6 drop is part of the Update.zip in each of the above folders. You would need to recreate any DW profiles you created previously to use the “simulscan plugin” instead of “dpx plugin”. Documentation and Sample Apps will be updated shortly.
- Rho details : The Rho 4.2.0 Beta drop has been uploaded to the above Extranet site as well. You can find additional documentation at the  Rhomobile | SimulScan  site.
3. Try out the updated Template Builder utility. 
- Has been renamed from https://dpx-uat.motorolasolutions.com to https://simulscan-uat.motorolasolutions.com
- Please open the browser of your choice and clear the cache using CTRL+SHFT+DEL.
- All the templates on the server have been converted to the new format. Please download them again and deploy on your devices.
- Importing any template from the old format will not be supported. If you have any old template locally saved and not on the server that you'd like converted, please reach out to me or Lawrence Ng.
- If you have any trouble at all exporting the templates, please reach to us.
4. Launchpad still remains as https://developer.motorolasolutions.com/community/technologies/dpx--bet…

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