Reopen Application Problem

B Benedict Boemmerl 3 years 4 months ago
0 2 0

Hello all,
I'm new to windows mobile and I have a problem to reopen my application during a message box.
If I press the hardware-ok-button to minimize the app during normal forms, it works perfectly fine to reopen the app in the window "Running Programs". But if the app shows a message box (created by "CreateWindow(..)") and then I minimize it, it can't get reopened. Only the title of the messagebox is shown in the upper left corner. If I want to open the app again, i have to shut down the task and start it from the beginning.
Of course there is something wrong with the code and it's not a general problem. It's a huge app and I didn't write it, so my question is: Did somebody experienced similar behaviour or/and know where to search for the mistake in the code?
I hope somebody can help me with this problem.
Benedict Bömmerl

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2 Replies

B Benedict Boemmerl

Hello all,

I found the solution to my problem. I write it in here, in case somebody have the same problem.

The message-boxes stopped the main-loop and created a "side-loop" to process the incoming messages on the window. The side-loops "::GetMessage(..)"-Funktion got called with a "HWND" instead of "NULL". So the Funktion only listened to THIS hwnd and doesn't care about leaving and reopen the application.


In a Windows Mobile app, pressing OK usually means you are actually closing something.  Pressing an X icon is minimizing.  When Microsoft went from Windows Mobile 6.1 to Windows Mobile 6.5.3 (now known as Windows Embedded Handheld 6.5.3), they made some UI changes that broke some apps.  I suspect that this is what you are seeing.  Your app was probably written for a Windows Mobile 6.5 or earlier device. See the last page of the attached doc for an explanation.  If you have access to the code, you can adjust the dialog boxes to fix this.  If not, the only workaround I've seen is the one you found, use the hardware OK button.

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