SimulScan updated to Version 1.2.2

E Efkan YILMAZ 3 years 5 months ago
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  An updated SimulScan version 1.2.2 is available at the extranet at  :
Simulscan and Datawedge are integrated into the respective product releases for MC67 and TC55.
If your device still reads “DPX”, please use the file to install it. More details around this change in the previous post at
If you already have SimulScan 1.2.1, you could use the file.
Special instruction for TC55 :  Additionally install the to enable SimulScan on your TC55 image. This is being made available as part of the TC55 DogFood as well.
Fixes :

Releases are the latest and greatest as provided by the respective Product teams.
Intermittent crash while reading Travel docs fixed.
Optimized default templates for performance [Postal, Manufacturing, Travel Docs, etc]. These templates are available via Datawedge. They are additionally stored within the /enterprise/device/settings/datawedge/templates folder if you’d like to use them for your app’s use.
Bug fixes to improve stability.

Known issues [targeting the next release for a fix]:

Impove 2D barcode performance when in a “Structured Target” i.e. decoding barcodes along with OCR content from a given document.
Occasional crash while reading a Bank check.
Improve OMR unchecked box accuracy.
Fix crash while reading different fields with different languages set [Thanks Horst !]


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