Rhodes: Can't detect NDK toolchain path (corrupted NDK installation?)

// Expert user has replied.
A Abolfazl Mahmoodi 3 years 5 months ago
7 3 0

I have installed rhodes and android SDK and NDK
OS: Linux Mint 16 X64,
Ruby: ruby 2.1.1p76 (2014-02-24 revision 45161) [x86_64-linux],
SDK: Android.SDK.Release.v23.0.2.Linux,
NDK: android-ndk32-r10-linux-x86_64 or android-ndk-r7b
and build.yml content:
    #sdk: "/home/abolfazl/.rbenv/versions/2.1.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/rhodes-"
    sdkversion: 3.5.0
    name: testapp
    version: 1.0
    vendor: rhomobile
    build: debug
    bbver: 4.6
    applog: rholog.txt
      configuration: Release
      sdk: iphonesimulator5.0
      BundleIdentifier: com.rhomobile.testapp
      BundleURLScheme: testapp
      productid: '0ed4fa10-0f72-0132-4dc5-3870f4a0dbeb'
      uid: '0xee1f6bcc'
      version: 4.2.2
    extensions: ["json", "another-extension"]
sdk manager:

when I run rake run:android:
cd  /home/abolfazl/.rbenv/versions/2.1.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/rhodes-
$app_config['extensions'] : ["json", "another-extension"]
$app_config['capabilities'] : [] $vendor = rhomobile $app_package_name
= com.rhomobile.testapp rake aborted! Can't detect NDK toolchain path (corrupted NDK installation?)
Tasks: TOP => run:android => run:android:emulator =>
config:android:emulator => config:android (See full trace by running
task with --trace)

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3 Replies

G Glenn Sayer

Rho 5.0 requires a newer NDK.  Below is thelink.  You will need the one form the top section as this containstoolchains that you will need.


What is needed is the 4.8 version of the files in your ndk > toolchains   directory. 
I could not find ver r9c and thus had to go to ver 10.

B Bhakta Ranjan Satapathy

Rhodes does not support ruby 2.0 or above.

You need to install ruby 1.9.3.
Kindly check with ruby 1.9.3.

But rhoconnect supported on ruby 2.0 and ruby 2.1 as well.


A Abolfazl Mahmoodi

there is a blog post in Installing Rhodes on Ubuntu and making it run on Ruby 2.1 | Running with Rails - Dev Blog not only for Rails fanatics!
that uses ruby 2.1

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