Feature suggestions: fully portable profiles, minimize humar error factor

A Arsen Bandurian 3 years 5 months ago
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Would be nice to have an option to copy files, that user want to push to the device, to profile folder automatically.
When selecting a file to be copied to the device in Profile, just set up a checkbox next to the file, after the file is selected: "Cache this file in the profile folder". When the profile is saved - the files are copied (deleted in case of edits).

This way staging profiles can become portable and can be shared across users (i.e. I can create profile, test, and send to my customer, along with the batch file, which minimizes human error).
Further simple development steps:

Auto-create such a batch file with a self-explanatory name "StageThisProfile.bat" in the profile folder.
"Export profile" button that creates a ZIP with profile, batch file and minimal headless Ardvarc components, ready to send to the customer with instruction "Unzip, run stage.bat, enjoy".

For those who reuse files across multiple profiles, unselecting the checkbox will save some space.
We can also issue guidance, recommending to create a static "file library" folder for them to ensure all files are in one place.

What do you think?

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