pin to start icon

M Mark Nongkhlaw 3 years 5 months ago
0 2 0

Just finished a shiny new app for WP in Rhodes.

However, pin to start icon doesn't look nice. It just shows a white spoked wheel as an icon with just "Rhodes" as the caption.

Is this a default behaviour of WP OS? Is there anything I can configure in Rhodes that can change that start icon/caption?

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2 Replies

M Mark Nongkhlaw

I suppose this has something to do with Live Tiles. With no support for it, all Rhodes-developed apps when pinned-to-start show a white spoked wheel as an icon with "Rhodes" as the caption, a most undesirable effect, since it then becomes difficult to distinguish between which live tile pertains to which Rhodes app

Screenshot attached. Please see the yellow box and annotations in red text

K Kutir Mobility

Hi Mark,
This issue needs help from Motorola. We will raise this issue with them to get an answer.

Visnupriya R
Kutir Mobility

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