How do I delete pictures from the camera roll

R Rob Geraedts 3 years 5 months ago
262 4 0

When using the Rho api take_picture, I noticed that the photograph that was taken, is stored in the camera roll as well as in the Rho db directory.
As the save_to_shared_gallery option is not supported for Android, how do I delete the pictures that are stored in the camera roll??

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4 Replies

J Jan van Dijk

Hmm... there are still black images with size 0,0 saved to the gallery... which is a bit better (space & privacy wise) but still not ideal...

How can we prevent the creation of these black empty images?

J Jan van Dijk

We've commented that line of code. It seems there are no images saved to the gallery (at TC55 anyways). How can we make that changes persistent / make sure all the developers have this modified part of the code?

D Dmitry Soldatenkov


Comment this code (line about 350) :

  try {
  if (uri != null) {
  osCommon = getContentResolver().openOutputStream(uri);

in [rhodes root]/platform/android/Rhodes/src/com/rhomobile/rhodes/camera/

M Michael Toews

Rob, Have you tried the deleteFile method of the RhoFile API?

Can’t find what you’re looking for?