Easy sample code to use the RFID reader on MC319Z with Embedded hand held 6.5 current samples for RFID are old and not workin...

M Maarten Van Reeth 3 years 4 months ago
95 1 0

just an easy sample without any extra's would be great. Just linking the  triggerevent of the scanner button to continiously reading or one reading. current samples i have are unclear.
i would be using a device MC319Z and thought of using the V2.8 Symbol.All.Arm.Cab.
current samples are for old Devices and old OS'es (CE5.0 to even CE4.2) even the RFID2 and RFID3 samples
i think RFID3Sample6 at this moment i can do something with. My device reacts on this code, but the help doesnt give me alot to work with.
with kind regards,

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1 Replies

L Lucas Rancez

Hi ​
Did you manage to get the EMDK working? I'm having the same issue and I cannot make the RFID work under .Net
Do you have any updated samples of working RFID code?

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