Current versions of Android on TC55?

G Gord Keenan 3 years 5 months ago
2 1 0

Two part question:
1.  Does anyone have any information on the roadmap for KitKat on the TC55?
2.  I was trying to decide if any of the images available on Moto Support (ie 1.74.0) would be a more recent version of Jelly Bean than 4.1.2 that is currently loaded on my TC55, is there a mostly painless way to do this other than loading the image?  Looking under Phone Settings didn't seem to have what I'm after.  Ideally I'd at least like to get a device up to 4.3 if possible...

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1 Replies

B Bruce Crawford

Gordon, the TC55 KitKat image should be available around the end of February.  There are some hot fix images available now that are newer than the image you have now, but they are fixes only and not upgrades.  Please see support

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