TC7x Snap on USB Cable... If you have TC75 DV2, check this out

D David Singer 3 years 5 months ago
4 0 0


Just got informed (after I found this out myself) by the Mechanical team that because they put 2 bumps (to help with ESD) on the back of the DV2 TC75 (one right above the flash and the other on the exact opposite side) some of the TC7x Snap on USB Cables may not fit as well... mind you, they do work, but just will not have that snug/tight connection they did with the DV1

What does not work well?
Motorola Branded (Full Motorola Name on the inside of the Snap on part and the Moto Bat Wings on the back)
It is also labeled as "Rev Level A" with a Date around June to August 2014 on both the cable close to the USB connection and the plastic bag it came in.

What does work well?
Symbol Branded (Full Symbol Name on the inside of the Snap on part and no logo at all on the back)
It is also labeled as "Rev B" with a Date around October 2014 on both the cable close to the USB connection and the plastic bag it came in.

Hope this helps.
Any questions, please let me know.
David Singer

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