iphone simulator8.1 start page goes to a /404

V Vishal Bhatia 3 years 5 months ago
14 2 0


I created a fresh app with rhomobile using the command line(rhodes app myapp) and changed the start_path in rhoconfig.txt to point to an external url. When I try to run that for iPhone simulator using rake run:iPhone, the app loads and I get something like

404 Not Found
"The file /system/http://..... was not found"
where http://...... is the url I am using.

Tried running that in rhosimulator and it doesn't even work there. Doesn't give me any errors but just gets stuck in Loading mode and remains stuck there.

If i change the start_path to default(/app), it works fine in both rhosimulator and iPhone simulator.

I am using Xcode 6.1.1

Any help appreciated.


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2 Replies

J Jon Tara

Why would you set the start page to an external URL? I doubt that's expected. It looks for a file in the applications's filesystem.

V Vishal Bhatia

I just want to serve my own content inside the rhomobile shell and the docs say that any url can be specified for the start_path. I tried several urls on my windows machine on android emulator and it works, I am just having issues with getting that to work on mac for iPhone

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