RhoElements Red and Green Buttons on MC3190

G GREG BONEBRAKE 3 years 5 months ago
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We have been using RhoElements 2.2.x on MC9090 and WT41N0 devices making use of the Red and Green function hardware buttons on these devices via KeyCapture.  We are now trying to do the same thing on a few MC3190 devices and cannot get the Red and Green button presses to be captured.  We attempted to install the same RhoElements 2.2 Runtime on our MC3190 devices but received a message that the application was invalid so we have upgraded to RhoElements 4.1.1.

I've tried every combination of config.xml file settings I can think of.  Is there something I am missing specific to the 3190 or perhaps a change with RhoElements 4.1?

Thank you in advance -

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