How to get network informations

L Louis Mauchet 3 years 5 months ago
3 2 0


I would like to get the connexion informations of a device in the local network (local address IP, mask etc...). Is there a way to get it?

I have tried these possibilities but none completly fit my needs :

addr_infos = Socket.ip_address_list
This one work well but on android i have this error : "permission denied SIOCGIFCONF"

addr = {|s| s.connect("", 1); s.addr}
With this one i am able to get the IP address but i would rather not request an external server (in case of devices only connected on a local network)

I know there is also a way by using the Signal API but i woukd like to know if there is another possibility.

Thanks in advance!


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2 Replies

J Jake Bernstein

Later this week or next, RhoStudio will be coming out with version 5.1. One of the features in version 5.1 is Live Update. The network discovery feature in Live update lets you get the network and device information, even if you are only connected to the local network. I would recommend installing this new version of RhoStudio when it comes out and enabling Live Update on your device. You will be able to get the device connection information with the added bonus of being able to see any updates you make instantly displayed on your device.

J Jon Tara

Jake, the network discovery stuff in LiveUpdate is all in RhoStudio. It's a tool that runs on the developers's workstation, not in Rhodes, unless I am missing something.

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