iOS push notifications

S Sushant Rawale 3 years 5 months ago
13 3 0

Hi All,

I have got one application for development. Its been developed in Xamarin Studio and currently published through RhoGallary.
My client wants to implement push notifications in same app. Push notifications were working in this app but client wants to change timing and conditions while its pushed.
The third person from whom I have taken handover stopped replying. Now in current position I can say that notifications are not local. If those are not local then is there any way I can find out from where those Push notifications are getting pushed to device? What steps should I take to sort out this problem?
How can I get access to that code?

Please help. Thanks in advance!!

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3 Replies

J Jon Tara

Confused. Xamarin Studio has nothing to do with Rhodes or RhoGallery. Xamarin Studio is a kind of competing product with Rhodes. Are you sure you are in the right place?

Push notifications are sent by an Apple server. A server of yours sends messages to a server at Apple. A server at Apple sends messages to the app.

Local and Push Notifications for Developers - Apple Developer

S Sushant Rawale

Jon Tara, Thank you very much for quick reply!!

I am not asking about Xamarin, App has already developed in Xamarin. I want to know if app has released on RhoGallary, then who takes care of iOS push notifications. Is there any special provision made by Rhofamily?

If right now I have no details of how notifications are sent or how are they configured, how can I know it?

M Mark Nongkhlaw

You would be better off posting your question in a Xamarin support or discussion forum.

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