Again on Elemez and overall data collection on our Android devices

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P Pietro Francesco Maggi 3 years 5 months ago
27 6 0

Hi David,
I believe that we still miss an answer on why data collection is enabled by default on our devices.

I'd like to have an understanding on:
1. which data are collected
2. what is the benefit for end-users
3. why this is not an opt-in function or how does our legal department suppose to sell this under European Data Collection Directive

If we keep avoiding this question, I can only think that disabling Elemez will be the number one request by our customers and a good argument for our competitors.


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6 Replies


Hi Glen,

While I understand why Elemez and other analytics stuff may be useful for our customers and our support team still I don't get the point why is must be running by default. Sorry I don't buy "reducing database complexities on Zebra's end" as a reason - neither customers will do.

There are obvious privacy concerns - as Horst, Pietro and myself already communicated.
There is WAN data plan extra cost (in my case the customer has a limited data plan and has got totally unexpected and rather high charge).
There is still almost no information on what is being collected and sent from the device.

We may continue to discuss best methods to control our analytics and how to persuade customers to use these nice (no doubt) features but first of all we need to make sure Elemez and other hidden data collections are disabled by default on factory images and will not be enabled without customer permission.


H Horst Anderlohr


I just want to give you an example, about a situation we are just stumbling in:
Our partner act as the Service and Integration Partner for the end customer. The customer asked to disable Elemez by Default on TC55.
Bachground for this request.

Elemez was identified as an unwanted Application which is running in the background. From the field they got concerns, because Elemez was crashing with a Problem message which was confusing the users.
The customer has a WAN Data Volume limit of 40 MB a month. Elemez will blow up the datavolume just for itself for about 80MB per week, especially when a private APN is used and Elemez is not able reach it`s server.
Depending of their Provider contract, GLS could charge us additional traffic for unwanted Elemez data traffic which they have not been aware off. There was one case in the past where a German customer tried to charge us 1.000 Euro per device a month. Installed base are 5.000 devices, with plan to extend that to 15.000 devices.
Depending of their Provider contract, it might happen that data traffic will be blocked by the customer`s provider at the 40 MB limit. In that case, Parcel shop operation will be interrupted, especially because the operation rely on Online connectivity. In this case the customer could charge us for lost parcel shop business which might exceed the use case in point 3.

   Kind regards


G Gary Crean

I have set up an internal call with a selected few to discuss this, I suggest taking the support route for any queries regarding the removal or disabling of Elemez.

G Glen Rockford

Hi Pietro & Horst,

Opt-IN vs. Opt-OUT:
The TC55 RC1 will be shipping with Elemez ON by default. 
The Zebra Analytics team is recommending that the TC75 also ship with Elemez on  by default - being consistent across our products reduces database complexities on Zebra's end.
When the device is staged or provisioned it is very convenient to programmatically disable Elemez if desired via MX4.3 CSP support.
The Analytics team admits and understands that the UI method to disable Elemez is not ideal, but we expect the real method to disable will be through the MDM or staging process.

Benfit to End Users (Customers):
The Analytics team is working on a "Customer Value Proposition" white paper - David and I were promised a release by the COB on Friday 4/17/2015.
From what I can see it will allow our support team to more accurately diagnose customer device issues and will allow us to better understand how our customer's are using the device so we can build better and more accurate "Use Cases" and thus better, more suitable products.  But this is just my two cents - let's wait for the official white paper.

Which Data are Collected:
The Analytics team is sending this data - I will forward to you under separate email asap.



Hi Glen,

I tried to use the AnalyticsMgr CSP via StageNow v and it does not appear to work i.e. StageNow client does not report an error but Elemez is still running on the device. Has this been tested as working on the latest beta MC75 OS (040915)?

Best Regards,
Ian Hatton

H Horst Anderlohr

Hello David,

unfortunatey, I need to say that even within Build K-10-02 Elemez is still active.
Because we have been told this might be the final Beta Release, our customers will not accept this.

I expect that Elemez should as already told be deactivated by default.

We need to solve this very urgent before this will reach the market and our competition.

Kind regards


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