NPAPI Server Error in Rholog.txt -- App Crashing

// Expert user has replied.
B Bryn Cranswick 3 years 5 months ago
0 2 0

Hey Guys,

I'm having issues with my RhoMobile app where it randomly crashes at different points with no real traceable pattern.

The rholog.txt returns "com.motorolasolutions.rhoelemnts.npapi.NPAPIServer$ServerThread run| Connection broken" after every redirect within the app.

When the app crashes the last thing to appear in the log is:

"RhodesAppJNI | nativeNotify"
"RhodesApp | enter notifyReceiver"
"calling onNetworkStatusChanged"

When I run the app using native browser (opposed to motorola_browser in build.yml). The connection broken error doesn't show up at all.
The Network Status Changed notification still shows up but doesn't seem to crash the app.

Permanently using the native browser isn't an option - it stuffs up a lot of the stying and js/jquery

I've been fiddling with the build.yml, rhoconfig.txt and Config.xml and may have messed something up.

Please see the attached picture for the log containing the errors

Thanks in advance

P.S Question:
If you want to make changes to the Config.xml. Do you have to individually make the change on every device your app is deployed to?
Is there a way to push the Config.xml when the app is being built?

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2 Replies

P Pietro Francesco Maggi

Hi Bryn,
we've removed formal support for our Webkit engine on Android since RhoMobile Suite v4.0, so I'm not really surprised that it may have some issue.
My suggestion is to switch to the native browser on Android. You can have some issue with the default configuration of our rendering engine because, with no viewport configuration, it usually render the pages a bit smaller than other mobile browser:
Rhomobile | Viewport Configuration

Regarding how to include your own Config.xml in a build, you can use the build.yml option:
Rhomobile | Build time configuration

Copying your Config.xml in your project (for example in a new Config folder) and the add a reference to it in the build.yml:

   config: "/Config/Config.xml"


B Bryn Cranswick

Thanks Pietro,

I'll have a play today with the native Android browser using the viewport configurations.

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