Custom URL scheme (lunch when app is installed and lunched first time)

A Artem Kovalevsky 3 years 5 months ago
10 0 0

I’m implementing rhomobile application for iOS.
I need to use custom URL scheme.
It works fine except one event: when my application is installed and lunched first time.
[[url query] stringByReplacingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] does not return the URL query.
When I repeat the actions (click on the custom link) it works fine.

Need to consider:
I also notice in log next line:
RhodesApp| rho_sys_report_app_started has no implementation on iPhone.

But several times the link was working (when app was just installed and lunched first time) and this line was not shown.

Could you please help me to resolve this problem?
I need to make Rhodes to start app via custom URL scheme when app is installed and lunched first time).

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