What is the recommended way for locking an Android device?

J Jon-Luke West 3 years 5 months ago
2 3 0

In the enterprise environment, there are situations in which it is necessary to "lock-down" an Android device through an application or service.  If I would like to restrict the use of an Android device to a single application package what is the best way to accomplish this?  If I wanted to then switch application packages and then restrict use to the newly started application how should I?  I stumbled onto AppLock, which might accomplish what I am looking for, but I have been unable to find much about it.  Is there some reference material I can look at?
Thank you very much.

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3 Replies


Jon-luke,  have  look at EHS(Enterprise Home Screen), this replacement launcher will accomplish what your looking for.

J Jon-Luke West

At first glance it did not feel like it fit, but Kiosk mode might be what I am looking for.  In Kiosk mode can I programmatically switch applications, like through a service trigger, and keep the Home and Back button locked?


C Carlos Alberto Assuncao


What kind of application do you gonna use in the Android device, I've installed in a customer EHS 1.6.
They use Telnet from Wavelink and 2 shortcut of Chrome each one call a different link.

Best Regards
Carlos de Assunção

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