WiFi vs Ethernet Cradle for handheld end of day communications

S Steve Haller 3 years 5 months ago
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I am looking to find out if there are any studies or best practices documents on Ethernet Cradle communications vs WiFi.   Historically, a number of our customers in the route delivery, package, DSD space have cradle rooms with our Ethernet cradles for mobile device upload/download.  As WiFi has become more ubiquitous, my sense is that demand for Ethernet cradles is lower, as companies migrate to WiFi for next gen deployments. 
We have a large postal / package delivery customer planning a migration to next gen devices, and are very much preferring to go WiFi, and looking for guidance and best practices from us.  Just like with Ethernet cradles proper due diligence should be done for network capacity planning given the expected data volumes from the mobiles.   Ideally, they would like to talk to an organization who has made this transition to better understand best practices and lessons learned.  I am confident that a number of our postal / courier / DSD / route delivery customers have made this switch already and may have information to share.  Please advise if you are aware of an account that has made (or attempted to make) this transition. 
Steve Haller
Manager, Sales Engineering
Transportation & Logistics - Eastern Region & Canada
M: +1.416.670.6227

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