Native Extensions Build Error

// Expert user has replied.
C Chris Child 3 years 5 months ago
0 1 0

Hi All,

I've created an extension for Win32 and I'm running into a build error that someone at Rho had originally helped me with when I was walking through the native extensions example. As far as I can tell I've setup my C++ class in the same manner as I was directed but I'm getting this error:

src\Panasoniccamera_impl.cpp(55) : error C2259: 'rho::CPanasoniccameraSingleton' : cannot instantiate abstract class
        due to following members:
        'void rho::IPanasoniccameraSingleton::startCamera(rho::apiGenerator::CMethodResult &)' : is abstract
        c:\users\cchild\workspace\rho\ce\extensions\panasoniccamera\ext\shared\generated\cpp\IPanasoniccamera.h(39) : see declaration of 'rho::IPanasoniccameraSingleton::startCamera'
        'void rho::IPanasoniccameraSingleton::takePicture(const rho::String &,rho::apiGenerator::CMethodResult &)' : is abstract
        c:\users\cchild\workspace\rho\ce\extensions\panasoniccamera\ext\shared\generated\cpp\IPanasoniccamera.h(40) : see declaration of 'rho::IPanasoniccameraSingleton::takePicture'

Attached is both the example class (Greeting_impl.cpp) plus generated header (IGreeting.h) I was sent and my class (Panasoniccamera_impl.cpp) with generated header (IPanasoniccamera.h). The big differences are that I have created some helper methods for the 2 methods above and I'm not sure if they also need to be defined in the Panasoniccamera.xml file so the stubs are generated or if I have just incorrectly setup startCamera and takePicture.



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1 Replies

H Hayden Eastman

Can you provide the entire Rho project, or put together a simple project using the native extension.

Can’t find what you’re looking for?