Build for Windows Mobile, can't setup target SDK

A Adel Sari 3 years 5 months ago
0 1 0

i have RMS 5.1.1 (64-bit)
i want to build for Windows Mobile 6.5, so i have installed all the prerequisites (Rhomobile | Build Rhodes Application)
in my build.yml i have set
  sdk: "Windows Mobile 6.5.3 Professional DTK (ARMV4I)"

When i build for wm device, i get this error
cd C:/RhoMobileSuite5.1.1/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/rhodes-5.1.1/lib/commonAPI/coreapi/ext/platform/wm
vcbuild.exe : error VCBLD0004: Project 'CoreAPI.vcproj' does not contain a configuration called 'Release|MC3000c50b (ARMV4I)'.
rake aborted!

i am building for windows mobile, so don't need MC3000c50b PSDK,
why RMS don't override the sdk config ?
looks like $sdk variable is hardcoded in wm.rake to MC3000c50b (ARMV4I).

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1 Replies


Yes, you do need MC3000c50b PSDK.  See here:

Rhomobile | Native SDK Setup

For Windows Mobile and Windows CE 5.0: MC3000c50b PSDK from Zebra Support Central

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