webservice not call From SB1 Device

A Alolika Lanke 3 years 5 months ago
2 3 0

Hello ,
I am trying to call simple webservice From SB1 device. My code for webservice
Public Function HelloWorld() As String
        Return "Hello World"
    End Function
This is my webmethod
html5 code as follows :

Test application - TSD  
          asl.options([   {    title: "quit",    callback: function(){     asl.exit();   }   }   ]);  asl.back();       asl.title('App B - Hello World');         var iCallID;
        function OnClickTestBtn()        // Check to see if the return value can stop the submit process or not.        {            var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();            xmlhttp.open("POST", "http://localhost/Helloworld/Service.asmx?wsdl", true);
            xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function()            // This is a calling back function that xmlhttp.send(sXML) will            // trigger this function to be called repeatedly.            {                if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4)                // xmlhttp.readyState:                // 0 means Uninitialized - open() has not been called yet.                // 1 means Loading - send() has not been called yet.                // 2 means Loaded - send() has been called, ...                // 3 means Interactive - Downloading, ...                // 4 means Completed - Finished with all operations.                {                    AddDebugMsg(xmlhttp.responseText);                }            }
            xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("SOAPAction", "http://localhost/HelloWorld/Service/HelloWorld");            xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml");
            var sXML =         '' +         ''" rel="nofollow">http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">' +            ' ' +               ' ' +            ' ' +         '';            xmlhttp.send(sXML);
            window.event.returnValue = false;   // Set to false to keep debugging            return (false);                    //    info on the screen.        }
        function AddDebugMsg(sMsg) {            if (document.getElementById("m_divDebugMsg") != null) {                document.getElementById("m_divDebugMsg").innerHTML += sMsg + "\n";            }        }

When i click on button webservice does not call . Please help me .
It is shows result in browser.

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3 Replies

S Sushil Gusain

Same problem i have also faced, now i have a solution for this problem.
1) Go to the IIS and select the Publish file, right click and go to properties.
2) Go to HTTP headers menu and add customHTTP Headers -
   Custom Header Name : Access-Control-Allow-Origin
    Custom Header Value : *
In my case it work fine..

A Alolika Lanke

Thank you,

A Alolika Lanke

Hello Sushil,

Thanks For reply but it is not working in my case. webservice not shows result.
IF anybody knows please help.

Thank you,

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