Loading Datawedge config via mdk

// Expert user has replied.
K Karin Romero 3 years 4 months ago
10 1 0

I created a configuration for my app in order to get scanned codes via intents.
I am able to copy that config to others concierges using this command:
  adb push -p /storage/sdcard0/dwprofile_MyApp.db .
Is there a MPB file configuration/structure to load this profile into the datawedge in a new Concierge?

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1 Replies

A Adithya Krishnamurthy

Hi Karin,

Please download ManagementPackageBuilder_v1.3.1.zip - Box In the examples folder you can see the entire MDZ template.

Place your .DB file below
(you can delete the other folders there)

Make the MDZ and apply on the new Concierge. Hope that helps.

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