EMDK for Android RFID

S Swapnil Shende 3 years 8 months ago
57 1 0

Hi ,we are using TC55 and newly launched RFD8500 for getting rfid data on android device.
There is Zebra RFID App thru which you can read RFID data on TC55. We searched EMDK 3.1 and all the resources on Zebra web but there is no API or any library given for RFID in Android,just like RFIDhost3.dll(for Host PC) and RFID3.dll(for HHT) will be given in Windows
So kindly suggest how to go ahead if we would like to develop an App for RFID in android using RFD8500.

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1 Replies


Hello Swapnil, As of now, the EMDK for Android does not have RFID Support. However, I did find a programmers guide for the RFD8500 on the Zebra support portal ( RFD8500 RFID Developers Guide )

Can’t find what you’re looking for?