Motorola ET1 Phonegap app and Scanner fails at random times

E Enrico Werner 3 years 10 months ago
4 0 0

We are using the Motorola Et1 with Android 4.1.1 and the Standard Browser or a Corodova App (Same things happen on both Scenarios).
After a some time the scanner holds in the current position, Scan all the time or do nothing if the Scanbutton is triggered.
The only Solution is to Hardreset the Device, a restart of the device HangsUp and blocks the Screen, like waiting for an Operation to End.
I have tracked it down to the following two cases:
First Case:
E BnapiLiteCPP: ioWriteReport: Unable to VIDIOC_RAWCOMMAND: No such device
E USBScanner: Response for unexpected command. Cmd Opcode 119 Recd opcode 88
E BnapiLiteCPP: VIDIOC_QBUF Failed
E BnapiLiteCPP: ioWriteReport: Unable to VIDIOC_RAWCOMMAND: No such device
Second Case:
E WindowManager: [key] get btn r1 -> down, then send intent: com.motorolasolutions.button.r1.down
E WindowManager: [key] get btn r1 -> up, then send intent: com.motorolasolutions.button.r1.up
with no Action between them
To Compare a normal Request looks like:
E WindowManager: [key] get btn r1 -> down, then send intent: com.motorolasolutions.button.r1.down
E TimeInterpolator: Error: calling void android::TimeInterpolator::resume()() when not in PAUSED state
W TimeInterpolator: time is rewinding: -86938 Tf=1 t0=21834583862 pos0=-86938 dt=0 now=21834583862 last=0 now_last=0
D AudioSpeexSRC: AudioResamplerSpeex::reset()
D InputMethodService: Params passed to SoftKeyboard [ime_output_enabled, keystroke_action_char]
D InputMethodService: ime_output_enabled true
D InputMethodService: keystroke_action_char -1
D InputMethodService: running Injector
D InputMethodService: Injector: doInject
E WindowManager: [key] get btn r1 -> up, then send intent: com.motorolasolutions.button.r1.up
What could this be? Or how can we solve such a problem? Or how could it be avoided?
If something is not understandable or not specific enough, please ask for further details.
Best regards

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