Beta Customer - Is there a way to configure the "P1, P2, P3" hardware keys to send function key presses?

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E Efkan YILMAZ 3 years 10 months ago
5 1 0

Working on software for a Beta customer and am looking for a way to have P1 = F1, P2 = F9, and P3 = F4. Any place I can save screen real estate will be a win. Thanks!

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1 Replies

P Paul Hedley

Hi Gary,

Yes, P1, P2, P3 are supported in the Settings >> Key Programmer, however they are currently called VolumeDown: (P1), VolumeUp: (P2) and PTTBTN: (P3).  They will be mapped to the proper names in future drops of software.  These can be remapped to Fkey, you just need to scroll up the list quite a ways.

Currently the P1, P2 & P3 keys are not programmable via the EMDK or CSP yet. We areworking on adding this ability in future versions of MX.


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