Turning on USB Host Power

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A Adam Hendrickson 3 years 10 months ago
7 1 0

Wondering if anyone has some insight into this.  I have a client with several ET1's and we need to have the USB Host Power setting turned ON to correct a scanner issue.  We have an APK that configures some settings on the device and looking to find out what the value would be for the USB Host Power setting.  Looking for something similar to below. 
android.provider.Settings.System.putInt(getContentResolver(), Settings.Global.WIFI_SLEEP_POLICY, 2);
Being that this isn't a standard Android setting and appears to be a custom setting in the ET1 build I'm not finding much info on this setting.  Please let me know if you have any ideas. 

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1 Replies

E Edward Correia

Hi Adam-

This issue might be solved by using an OTG (On-the-Go) cable or adapter, which is wired to automatically put Android devices into Host Mode. I know this mode is required for USB printing with RhoMobile, and have a hunch that it might also be an issue for scanning.


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