Publishing apk without EMDK

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G Gokhan Musapasaoglu 3 years 10 months ago
3 2 0

Hi dear,
I have two questions;
Can I publish apk without changing Compile Sdk Version to EMDK 4.0 (api19)...
I found this but it doesnt work on my computer :…
Other is, Is there a way to change DataWedge application when our apk installed.
Thank you,

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2 Replies

P Pietro Francesco Maggi

Hi Gokhan,
are you using Android Studio or ADT and which version?

I've done test in the past with Android Studio v1.4.x and API level 23 and it worked for me. You can find another writeup here:
Building Zebra's EMDK project using SDK Platform 23 · Pietro F. Maggi

Your second question is not clear to me. What do you mean? What are you trying to achieve?


G Gokhan Musapasaoglu

Thank you Pietro this will help me  i was using android studio 1.3 now i am using android studio 2.0

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