How can I switch the codepage in line print mode

// Expert user has replied.
N Niels Wiederanders 3 years 10 months ago
435 4 0

Dear Community, Dear Zebra Team,
I’m working on an old project with printing on Windows CE5 and Windows CE6. Up till now our software worked with other printers – not with Zebra printers. The software is sending plain text via serial Port and Bluetooth to the printers.
Now we want to support Zebra printers as well. We need no fancy stuff so I would like to keep the plain printing concept. Changing that would be a lot of work. Everything is working fine with my Zebra ZQ520 except of printing the German Letters ÄÖÜüäöß. That is because I need to change the Code Page of the device for Iine_print mode. I need the Codepage to 850 with Value 6 Encoding (Germany Character Set). I found no way in the documentation to do that for plain printing. So I tried something like this: (Text Send over Com Port):

What shell I say? It is not working!
Dear Community, Dear Zebra Team, is there a way to set the Codepage for plaintext permanently via a tool/device configuration? If not, can I set die Codepage for a session by sending a device command?
I hope really would like to stick with plain text printing!
Best Regards
Dear Community, Dear Zebra Team,
I’m working on an old project with printing on Windows CE5 and Windows CE6. Up till now our software worked with other printers – not with Zebra printers. The software is sending plain text via serial Port and Bluetooth to the printers.
Now we want to support Zebra printers as well. We need no fancy stuff so I would like to keep the plain printing concept. Changing that would be a lot of work.
Everything is working fine with my Zebra ZQ520 except of printing the German Letters ÄÖÜüäöß. That is because I need to change the Code Page of the device for Iine_print mode. I need the Codepage to 850 with Value 6 Encoding (Germany Character Set).
I found no way in the documentation to do that for plain printing. So I tried something like this: (Text Send over Com Port):
! U1 setvar "device.languages" "zpl"
! U1 setvar "device.languages" "line_print"
Hello World, what about ÄÖÜüäöß
What shell I say? It is not working!
Dear Community, is there a way to either set the Codepage for plaintext permanently via a tool/device configuration? If not, can I set die codepage for a session by sending a device command?
I hope I don’t have to rebuild my entire printing Classes only to print the German Letters. L
Best Regards Niels
How can I switch the codepage in line print mode

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4 Replies

J Jan Bass


I´m really struggling with this Problem. Using a GK420d with Generic Text/Only Driver. Made some ZPL templates and worked fine only the geman ÄÖÜ äöü wont print.
I set the german-codepage on the driver and then also set the codpage in the template. but no success.
I got an EPL-template from a collegue of mine which is working fine at his site, same Problem the ÄÖÜ wont print.

this is the epl template:


any ideas to this problem. PLEASE




Hi Jan, As I'm not sure what system you are using to encode your text, I can only make a guess at your issue.  You set the character set with the 'I' command as you have in your first line but you need to make sure you not only set the country code, but the codepage to be the same as your character encoding.  EPL does not take multi-byte characters, but the ones you are using "Ää,Öö,Üü" are available in several of the single byte encodings available.  In the EPL manual, you can check the Code Pages section for details. Basically if you use the code page as you have it set in the "I" command, you want to make sure the hex for the "Ä" character in your file is 0x8E.
As you are using a generic text driver, changing things there won't do anything.

G Gregory Pawlik

Hi Niels,

For Germany characters you can send the following command to the printer:


Then when the printer receives the following characters:

@ [ \ ] { | } ~

it will print the following German characters respectively:

§ Ä Ö Ü ä ö ü ß

More information can be found the CPCL manual for Link-OS printers:…


N Niels Wiederanders

Sorry, I don't know why my text was send 2 times!

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