Angular2 beta 15 Tour of Heros sample does not working on EB1.4

J Jan Zimmermann 3 years 4 months ago
2 1 0

Angular2 beta 15 (Typescript) Tour of Heros sample does not working on EB1.4. Regardless if i compile against es5 or 6.
Error Message from Web Inspector INVALID_STATE_ERR: DOM Exception 11: An attempt was made to use an object that is not, or is no longer, usable. :3000/javascript/angular2-polyfills.js:1000
Firefox,Chrome and yes, even Internet Explorer shows the site without Errors if i compile typescript against es5.
So whats the matter?

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1 Replies

J Jan Zimmermann

Ok, it runs now. Seems to be an old Webkit Bug.

angular2 or in detail zone.js tries to inspect a XHR.responseBlob witch raises an Error in OLD Webkit Browsers described here:

Accessing XMLHttpRequest#responseBlob breaks older browsers · Issue #328 · angular/zone.js · GitHub

WIth this 'Hacky Fix' it runs:

HACKY FIX · Buzzvil/zone.js@1c3f040 · GitHub


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