MK4000 scanner stops after 15 seconds

A Adel Sari 3 years 8 months ago
2 2 0

Hi, on the MK4000, when we activated the scanner (programmatically), it stays on for just 15 seconds, every time we have to hit a button to reactivated it,
what we want, is that the scanner remain ON while the App is running.
I have tried putting ScanLoad.exe on StartUp, but no thing happened.

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2 Replies

A Adel Sari

I Have found the solution, BeamTimer by default is set to 15000 milliseconds, so we have to change it to 0 like this:
myReader.ReaderParameters.ReaderSpecific.ImagerSpecific.BeamTimer = 0;


Are you using RhoElements or is this being done with Native code?

Can’t find what you’re looking for?