How to use Fullscreen mode in EB with enabled Windows Taskbar on CE?

// Expert user has replied.
M Mike Thaemlitz 3 years 10 months ago
98 2 0

I try to get Enterprise Browser to Work without the useless Bar at Top when i don't activate Fullscreenmode or trying to get the Taskbar at top when i'm using Fullscreenmode.
I looked hours in the API and tryed many things out and nothing worked.
Isn't it rely possible to use the Native Taskbar from Windows with EB in a mode without any EB-Bar at Top or Bottom?
I'm using only Windows CE devices like MC92N0.
Has anyone a got solution for the Problem?

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2 Replies

A Andrew Pengelly

Hi Mike

If I understand you right you want to hide the top bar but still retain the task bar at the bottom.  Obviously full screen mode hides both these things so I'm wondering what do you need from the task bar and is there some other way to display these.  Some of the MetaTag commands might be of use.  Here's a few we found useful with PocketBrowser.  Not sure how compatible they are with EB but you might find something useful.  Certainly removing the QUIT BUTTON is useful.

Put  WiFi signal display on screen

Put refresh button at top right

Put exit button at top right

Capture all function keys

Allow for manual address entry

Left position of address bar

Top position of address bar

Width of address bar

E Edward Correia

Hi Mike-

Can you please send more information about the "useless Bar at Top." Are you referring to the URL NavBar?

A screenshot also might help.

Eddie Correia

Can’t find what you’re looking for?