Downgrade wifi on TC55 from android version 4.4.3 to android version 4.1.2

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P Pablo Casero 3 years 10 months ago
42 5 0

Hello and sorry for my english,
In my company have three TC55 devices to test a new device for a new android application. In one of these TC55, upgrade the android version to 4.4.3 and we have problems with the wifi. We installed the wifi package for the android version 4.4.3 and the wifi now are ok.
Now we need downgrade the android version to 4.1.2 and the OS is ok, but the wifi now have a bug, my question is, does exist the same wifi package for the android version 4.1.2?

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5 Replies

R Richard Simcox

did you find an answer to this I updraded a tc55 to kk followed the steps to 1.79 first then up to kk 2.68 all is o except wifi not working, tried erasing the cache partition with fastboot also tried the reset script packages

N Nikolay Isakov


Before you try downgrading the device FW - could you please elaborate a bit more what sort of wifi issues are you having?
Going backwards most likely wont do you any good at all. 

M Magdy Fayez

you can do it, i have tried it and it works normally.

try to download the the below from zebra to downgrade from KK to JB

run it on your TC55 respectively.
good Luck

R Radim Kadlec

Hi! TC55 downgrade KK -> JB is not supported, as far as I know. Bad luck!

T Tanveer Ahmed

Hi Pablo,

Have got answered on this, I need same solution , please help me as well.

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