Tekterm for Androïd devices

E Efkan YILMAZ 3 years 10 months ago
25 3 0

Is there an Androïd version of TekTerm ?

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3 Replies

R Randy Provence

There is! You can visit www.staylinked.com/smarttek to learn more.

A Alejandro Calero

I have found StayLinked to provide a more natural migration path for TekTerm customers. StayLinked's centralized server architecture has provided the totality of its users, since its very inception, with session persistence capability, licensing administration, centralized configuration, and remote support tools. With the introduction of touch-based Android devices, the range of features has now extended, including flexible data capture options through a variety of screen keypads, easy migration from text-based interfaces into touch-based graphical menus, and enabling seamless optimization of every form-factor, such as handheld, wearable and tablet, without any effort. For example, keypads in the wearable are easily made transparent; font size in the tablets is easily expanded to fit the full width of the screen. All based on the original handheld settings without more than a few minutes of extra work.

You can refer to Zebra's ISV partner locator for sample screenshots and contact information:
Software Application Details

When you compare these features with ivanti's Velocity -its Android telnet client-, it becomes evident that the two software products play in completely different leagues. StayLinked's Out-Of-The-Box experience is a full-fledged modern telnet application for all devices. Ivanti's Out-Of-the-Box experience is similar to "putty", regardless of the device. Any additional feature requires a complex array of software and servers of questionable reliability. For instance, Ivanti took almost 3 years to find out that its Session Persistence server did not work with Velocity. 3 years! This means that nobody was using that server. Now that it is supposed to be "fixed" the question remains about whether there is anyone out there actually using it at enterprise escales. Velocity was also known for not supporting the VT's emulation parameter "Answer Back" until recently. What else will break or miss? .


Answer from Laura Evans May 9th, 2016
Laura Evans | Director SW GTM & PM |Zebra Technologies | office: 905-812-6254 | mobile: 905-691-0811 | Laura.Evans@zebra.com

Tekterm doesn’t support Android at this time.
We entered into a partnership with Wavelink to be our supplier for the Android, All touch TE client.
We are now looking at the contract to see what our options might be but as of now, we are not able to develop this product.
We are in the process now of trying to sort out thecontracts as well as creating a scope of work on what would need to be done.
I would think by the end of May we should be able togive you an update.

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